Public methods 📢

Get SDK-instance info


  • an instance of InfoData containing SDK-related properties.

public async Task<InfoData> getInfo() {
    return new InfoData {
        apiKey = this.apiKey,
        dAppCode = this.dAppCode,
        network =,
        visitorId = "[not implemented yet]",
        sdkEnvironment = this.sdkEnvironment,
        sdkVersion = this.sdkVersion

Get balances by Hedera id (address)


  • accountId: Hedera id (address), example: 0.0.112233


  • an instance of AccountBalanceData containing account hbar and token balances.

public async Task<AccountBalanceData> getBalance(string accountId) {
    return await apiService.getBalance(accountId);

Get account evmAddress and calculated evmAddress from public key


  • accountId: Hedera id (address), example: 0.0.112233


  • an instance of AccountInfoData containing account id, evmAddress, calculatedEvmAddress

public async Task<AccountInfoData> getAccountInfo(string accountId) {
    var account = await apiService.GET<AccountData>($"/api/v1/accounts/{accountId}");

    string response = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.getAccountInfo('{accountId}', '{account.evm_address}', '{account.key.key}')")

    return this.processResponse<AccountInfoData>(response);

Method to execute Hbar transfers from current account to receiver


  • accountId: sender

  • accountPrivateKey: sender's private key to sign transfer transaction

  • receiverId: receiver

  • amount: amount

  • memo: memo (limited to 100 characters)


  • an instance of ExecuteTxReceipt containing transaction receipt

public async Task<ExecuteTxReceipt> transferHbars(string accountId, string accountPrivateKey, string recieverAccount, string amount, string memo) {
    string response = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.transferHbars('{accountId}', '{accountPrivateKey}', '{recieverAccount}', '{amount}', '{memo}')")

    SignedTx signedTx = this.processResponse<SignedTx>(response);
    return await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;

Method to execute token transfers from current account to receiver


  • tokenId: token

  • accountId: sender

  • accountPrivateKey: sender's private key to sign transfer transaction

  • receiverId: receiver

  • amount: amount

  • memo: memo (limited to 100 characters)

  • freeTransfer: for tokens configured for this dAppCode on Blade backend


  • an instance of ExecuteTxReceipt containing transaction receipt

public async Task<ExecuteTxReceipt> transferTokens(string tokenId, string accountId, string accountPrivateKey, string recieverAccount, string amount, string memo, bool freeTransfer = false) {
    TokenData meta = await apiService.GET<TokenData>($"/api/v1/tokens/{tokenId}");
    double correctedAmount = double.Parse(amount) * Math.Pow(10, int.Parse(meta.decimals));
    if (freeTransfer == true) {
        // for free transfer BladeApi need to create TX, from our initial data.
        // to call BladeApi we need TVTE-token                
        // after we get transactionBytes need to sign it with sender private key
        // after signing - need to execute this TX

        // generating TVTE token
        string response = engine
        TVTEResponse tvteResponse = this.processResponse<TVTEResponse>(response);

        // bladeApi create and sign TX, and return base64-encoded transactionBytes
        FreeTokenTransferResponse freeTokenTransferResponse = await apiService.freeTokenTransfer(accountId, recieverAccount, correctedAmount, memo, tvteResponse.tvte);

        // sign with sender private key
        SignedTx signedTx = this.signTransaction(freeTokenTransferResponse.transactionBytes, "base64", accountPrivateKey);

        //send tx to execution
        return await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;
    } else {
        string response = engine
            .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.transferTokens('{tokenId}', '{accountId}', '{accountPrivateKey}', '{recieverAccount}', {correctedAmount}, '{memo}')")

        SignedTx signedTx = this.processResponse<SignedTx>(response);
        return await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;

Method to create Hedera account


  • deviceId: unique device id (advanced security feature, required only for some dApps)


  • an instance of CreateAccountData containing new account data

public async Task<CreateAccountData> createAccount(string deviceId) {
    // generateKeys
    string keyResponse = engine
    KeyPairData keyPairData = this.processResponse<KeyPairData>(keyResponse);
    string tvteToken = this.getTvteToken();

    CreateAccountResponse createAccountResponse = await apiService.createAccount(keyPairData.publicKey, deviceId, tvteToken);

    // sign and execute transactions if any
    if (createAccountResponse.updateAccountTransactionBytes != null) {
        SignedTx signedTx = this.signTransaction(createAccountResponse.updateAccountTransactionBytes, "base64", keyPairData.privateKey);
        ExecuteTxReceipt executeTxReceipt = await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;
        // confirm account key update
        if (executeTxReceipt.status == "SUCCESS") {
            await apiService.confirmAccountUpdate(, tvteToken);

    if (createAccountResponse.transactionBytes != null) {
        SignedTx signedTx = this.signTransaction(createAccountResponse.transactionBytes, "base64", keyPairData.privateKey);
        ExecuteTxReceipt executeTxReceipt = await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;

    CreateAccountData createAccountData = new CreateAccountData {
        transactionId = createAccountResponse.transactionId,
        status = string.IsNullOrEmpty(createAccountResponse.transactionId) ? "SUCCESS" : "PENDING",
        seedPhrase = "[not supported in now]",
        publicKey = keyPairData.publicKey,
        privateKey = keyPairData.privateKey,
        accountId =,
        evmAddress = keyPairData.evmAddress
    return createAccountData;

Method to delete Hedera account


  • deleteAccountId: account to delete - id

  • deletePrivateKey: account to delete - private key

  • transferAccountId: The ID of the account to transfer the remaining funds to.

  • operatorAccountId: operator account Id

  • operatorPrivateKey: operator account private key


  • an instance of ExecuteTxReceipt containing transaction receipt

public async Task<ExecuteTxReceipt> deleteAccount(string deleteAccountId, string deletePrivateKey, string transferAccountId, string operatorAccountId, string operatorPrivateKey) {
    string signedTxResponse = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.deleteAccount('{deleteAccountId}', '{deletePrivateKey}', '{transferAccountId}', '{operatorAccountId}', '{operatorPrivateKey}')")
    SignedTx signedTx = this.processResponse<SignedTx>(signedTxResponse);
    return await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;

Method to call smart-contract function


  • contractId: contract id

  • functionName: contract function name

  • params: function arguments (instance of ContractFunctionParameters)

  • accountId: sender account id

  • accountPrivateKey: sender's private key to sign transfer transaction

  • gas: gas amount for transaction (default 100000)

  • bladePayFee: blade pay fee, otherwise fee will be pay from sender accountId


  • an instance of ExecuteTxReceipt containing transaction receipt

public async Task<ExecuteTxReceipt> contractCallFunction(string contractId, string functionName, ContractFunctionParameters parameters, string accountId, string accountPrivateKey, uint gas, bool bladePayFee = false) {
    if (bladePayFee) {
        string contractCallBytecodeResponse = engine
            .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.getContractCallBytecode('{functionName}', '{parameters.encode()}')")
        ContractCallBytecode contractCallBytecode = this.processResponse<ContractCallBytecode>(contractCallBytecodeResponse);

        SignContractCallResponse signContractCallResponse = await apiService.signContractCallTx(
        SignedTx signedTx = this.signTransaction(signContractCallResponse.transactionBytes, "base64", accountPrivateKey);
        return await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;
    } else {
        string signedTxResponse = engine
            .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.contractCallFunctionTransaction('{contractId}', '{functionName}', '{parameters.encode()}', '{accountId}', '{accountPrivateKey}', {gas})")
        SignedTx signedTx = this.processResponse<SignedTx>(signedTxResponse);
        return await apiService.executeTx(signedTx.tx,;

Method to call smart-contract query


  • contractId: contract id

  • functionName: contract function name

  • params: function arguments (instance of ContractFunctionParameters)

  • accountId: sender account id

  • accountPrivateKey: sender's private key to sign transfer transaction

  • gas: gas amount for transaction (default 100000)

  • bladePayFee: blade pay fee, otherwise fee will be pay from sender accountId

  • returnTypes: array of return types, e.g. ["string", "int32"]


  • an instance of ContractQueryData containing result from query with types

public async Task<ContractQueryData> contractCallQueryFunction(
    string contractId, 
    string functionName, 
    ContractFunctionParameters parameters,
    string accountId,
    string accountPrivateKey, 
    uint gas, 
    uint fee,
    List<string> returnTypes
) {
    if (fee > 0) {
        string nodeAccountId = "0.0.3";            
        string delayedQueryCallResponse = engine
            .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.contractCallQueryFunction('{contractId}', '{functionName}', '{parameters.encode()}', '{accountId}', '{accountPrivateKey}', {gas}, {fee}, '{nodeAccountId}')")
        DelayedQueryCall delayedQueryCall = this.processResponse<DelayedQueryCall>(delayedQueryCallResponse);
        DelayedQueryCallResult delayedQueryCallResult = await apiService.executeDelayedQueryCall(delayedQueryCall);
        string contractCallQueryResponse = engine
            .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.parseContractCallQueryResponse('{contractId}', '{delayedQueryCallResult.contractFunctionResult.gasUsed}', '{delayedQueryCallResult.rawResult}', ['{string.Join("', '", returnTypes)}'])")
        ContractQueryData contractQueryData = this.processResponse<ContractQueryData>(contractCallQueryResponse);
        return contractQueryData;
    } else {
        // blade pay fee 
        throw new BladeSDKException("Error", "free queries not implemented yet");

Method to get C14 url for payment


  • asset: USDC, HBAR, KARATE or C14 asset uuid

  • account: receiver account id

  • amount: amount to buy


  • string with C14 url with preseted paramsbalances.

public async Task<string> getC14url(
    string asset,
    string account,
    string amount
) {
    string tvteToken = this.getTvteToken();
    string clientId = await apiService.getC14token(tvteToken);
    var purchaseParams = new Dictionary<string, object> {
        { "clientId", clientId }

    switch (asset.ToUpper()) {
        case "USDC":
            purchaseParams["targetAssetId"] = "b0694345-1eb4-4bc4-b340-f389a58ee4f3";
            purchaseParams["targetAssetIdLock"] = "true";
        case "HBAR":
            purchaseParams["targetAssetId"] = "d9b45743-e712-4088-8a31-65ee6f371022";
            purchaseParams["targetAssetIdLock"] = "true";
        case "KARATE":
            purchaseParams["targetAssetId"] = "057d6b35-1af5-4827-bee2-c12842faa49e";
            purchaseParams["targetAssetIdLock"] = "true";
            if (asset.Split('-').Length == 5) {
                purchaseParams["targetAssetId"] = asset;
                purchaseParams["targetAssetIdLock"] = "true";

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(amount)) {
        purchaseParams["sourceAmount"] = amount;
        purchaseParams["quoteAmountLock"] = "true";

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account)) {
        purchaseParams["targetAddress"] = account;
        purchaseParams["targetAddressLock"] = "true";

    string queryString = "";
    foreach (var kv in purchaseParams) {
        queryString = queryString + $"{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kv.Key)}={HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kv.Value.ToString())}&";

    var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder("");
    uriBuilder.Query = queryString.ToString();
    return uriBuilder.Uri.ToString();

Sign message with private key


  • messageEncoded: encoder message string

  • accountPrivateKey: private key string

  • encoding: message encoding. One of: hex, base64, utf8


  • an instance of SignMessageData containing signature

public async Task<SignMessageData> sign(
    string messageEncoded, 
    string accountPrivateKey,
    string encoding // hex|base64|utf8
) {
    string signMessageReponse = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.sign('{messageEncoded}', '{accountPrivateKey}', '{encoding}')")
    SignMessageData signMessageData = this.processResponse<SignMessageData>(signMessageReponse);
    return signMessageData;

Verify message signature with public key


  • messageEncoded: message encoded

  • signatureHex: hex-encoded signature string

  • publicKey: public key string

  • encoding: message encoding. One of: hex, base64, utf8


  • boolean. True if signature is valid

public async Task<bool> signVerify(
    string messageEncoded, 
    string signatureHex,
    string publicKey, // hex-encoded public key with DER header
    string encoding // hex|base64|utf8
) {
    string signVerifyMessageResponse = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.signVerify('{messageEncoded}', '{signatureHex}', '{publicKey}', '{encoding}')")
    SignVerifyMessageData signVerifyMessageData = this.processResponse<SignVerifyMessageData>(signVerifyMessageResponse);
    return signVerifyMessageData.valid;

Sign message with private key (hethers lib)


  • messageEncoded: encoder message string

  • accountPrivateKey: private key string

  • encoding: message encoding. One of: hex, base64, utf8


  • an instance of SignMessageData containing signature

public async Task<SignMessageData> hethersSign(
    string messageEncoded, 
    string accountPrivateKey,
    string encoding // hex|base64|utf8
) {
    string signMessageReponse = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.hethersSign('{messageEncoded}', '{accountPrivateKey}', '{encoding}')")
    SignMessageData signMessageData = this.processResponse<SignMessageData>(signMessageReponse);
    return signMessageData;

Method to split signature into v-r-s


  • signature: signature string "0x21fbf0696......"


  • an instance of SplitSignatureData containing v, r, s

public async Task<SplitSignatureData> splitSignature(string signature) {
    string splitSignatureResponse = engine
    SplitSignatureData splitSignatureData = this.processResponse<SplitSignatureData>(splitSignatureResponse);
    return splitSignatureData;

Get signature for contract params into v-r-s


  • params: function arguments (instance of ContractFunctionParameters)

  • accountPrivateKey: account private key string


  • an instance of SplitSignatureData containing v, r, s

public async Task<SplitSignatureData> getParamsSignature(
    ContractFunctionParameters parameters,
    string accountPrivateKey
) {
    string splitSignatureResponse = engine
        .Evaluate($"window.bladeSdk.getParamsSignature('{parameters.encode()}', '{accountPrivateKey}')")
    SplitSignatureData splitSignatureData = this.processResponse<SplitSignatureData>(splitSignatureResponse);
    return splitSignatureData;

Method to get transactions history


  • accountId: accountId of history

  • transactionType: filter by type of transaction

  • nextPage: link from response to load next page of history

  • transactionsLimit: limit of transactions to load


  • an instance of TransactionsHistoryData containing transaction records, filtered and aggregated

public async Task<TransactionsHistoryData> getTransactions(string accountId, string transactionType, string nextPage, int transactionsLimit) {
    TransactionsHistoryData transactionsHistoryData = await apiService.getTransactionsFrom(accountId, transactionType, nextPage, transactionsLimit);
    return transactionsHistoryData;

Last updated