How it works
How it works
Thing to keep in mind:
It's early prototype
It's not fully native c#
Most of it runs on javascript
JS part runs on Jint
It requires external server enpoint to execute signed transactions due network limitaions of Jint
There are some limitations
Some hacks here too
Example flow of transfer transaction
Create instance of BladeSDK
Create instance of Jint Engine
Load and execute
Init JS version of BladeSDK:
window.bladeSdk.init('{apiKey}', '{network}', '{dAppCode}', '{sdkEnvironment}', '{sdkVersion}')
Call JS
window.bladeSdk.transferHbars('{accountId}', '{accountPrivateKey}', '{recieverAccount}', '{amount}', '{memo}')
Process response and extract signed transaction (hex encoded)
Make network call to external endpoint to execute signed transaction
Parse response and return ExecuteTxReceipt object
In this prototype Jint engine loaded from local file Jint.dll. As for now Jint isn't support threading, so there is no possibility to mock XMLHttpRequest or fetch to execute transaction inside JS environment. The only solution is to execute transactions on external server.
Last updated