Getting Started


Using Blade Connect interface

For example usage and testing the below APIs using a Demo App, please go here and setup the app locally: Demo App

BladeWallet uses the Hedera Signer and Wallet Interface

Install blade-web3 npm package:

npm install --save @bladelabs/blade-web3.js

Create new signer Object:

import { BladeSigner } from '@bladelabs/blade-web3.js';

async function loadWallet() {

  try {

    const signer = new BladeSigner();

    /// Create session with WalletExtension.
    await signer.createSession();

    /// Blade Signer is now ready for use.


  } catch (err ){



Read the TypeDoc API documentation




Install dependencies.

npm i

Run vite have a hot-reloaded application.

npm dev

Note: Once you have the localhost server running, you should be able to connect to the Blade Wallet installed from the GitHub or Chrome Store. In some cases, the Blade Wallet from the Chrome Store will be outdated and may not work so please use the latest build from the GitHub repository mentioned in the prerequisites above.


Run vite build to build and minify the application.

npm build

Note: App must be run in https mode to access Blade Wallet Extension.

Last updated