Sample app


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App structure

Demo app uses BottomNavigationView with 3 tabs, loading different fragments. Every fragment have controls and output section. In output section app shows serialized result of method call and execution time.

On Init fragment there are fields for Blade SDK init and some demo data like testnet account, private key, token id and contract id. This data temporary stores in Config object singleton.

In every fragment on onViewCreated method calling Blade.getInfo() to check if SDK initialized and enable or disable controls

As Blade object is singleton it may be initialized once and use in every other fragment.

Explore app


  • Blade SDK init data

  • Demo account, contract id, token id, message for signature verification

  • Init and Stop buttons


  • Get balance - getting balance of account id from field (preset from init page)

  • Get transactions - getting transactions of account id

  • Create account - create new account through Blade API, using config of current dAppCode

  • Delete account - after creating account - new account data temporary saved and may be deleted

  • From mnemonic - getting ECDSA keys from field Mnemonic / Message / Signature

  • Sign - getting signature from field Mnemonic / Message / Signature. Mind that on verification, message will be used from Init screen

  • Verify - verifying signature using public key and message from Init screen from field Mnemonic / Message / Signature.

  • Contract call - calling contractId (from Init screen) function set_message - setting string from field Mnemonic / Message / Signature

  • Contact query - querying function get_message and get message that we set with timestamp, and it's length

  • Send HBARs - sending amount HBARs to receiver id

  • Send tokens - sending amount tokens (from Init screen) to receiver id

  • Some other examples


  • Strategy Buy, Sell or Swap

  • Get quotes - getting quotes for strategy, source code, amount and target code

  • Service - after getting quote, you can pick one of the services, and press enabled button

  • Buy, Sell buttons - getting configured url, and open in browser

  • Swap button - call swap contract

Last updated